Debate and Discussion of U.S. Government for Gov. 2305

Monday, June 23, 2008

Americans and Voting

The following is in response to an article entitled: "Bad officials are elected by good people who do not vote."

The fact that only half of Americans in this country votes seems pretty sad when you think about all of the blood that was shed to attain this right. However, it is also well within a person's rights to choose not to vote. I think it speaks greatly of our government that those people that do not want to be involved in government can refrain from doing so and still be completely taken care of by the government. Much of this is due to the fact that our government is a representative democracy in stead of a direct democracy.

On the topic of bad officials, I do not feel that the American people would not elect bad officials if everyone voted. On the contrary, I think more bad officials would be elected because the people that do not normally vote do not know as much about politics as the smaller percentage of people that actually cared and were voting before.

I wish that more people cared about politics and government enough to vote and be part of this country's democratic process, but I feel that it is absolutely fine the way it is. The majority is being taken care of, and the minority groups are being heard and taken care of as well. That is a success. We have found a form of government that takes care of everyone.

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