Debate and Discussion of U.S. Government for Gov. 2305

Friday, June 13, 2008

From The New York Times Editorial: "Another Failure on Climate Change"

Climate change has been an issue for quite a while, but it is only recently becoming a priority in the world of politics. With being “green” becoming increasingly more popular with average citizens, we can certainly expect that we will see an abundant amount of legislation aimed at combating climate change. Furthermore, with the upcoming Presidential election, Bush’s successor will most definitely have to be proactive in the area of environmentalism.

This most recent bill that was shot down in Congress was aimed at reducing emissions by a significant amount. We can definitely expect to see much more legislation regarding emissions pass through Congress, but this will probably be the last that is dismissed so easily.

The most concerning hurdle facing any sort of legislation to reduce emissions is the high cost of any solution. Industry will most definitely take a huge hit, but so will ordinary citizens that drive automobiles. However, as more and more people start to realize that this problem is not going to go away, they will have to bite the bullet and face the fact: ensuring that our world has a future is going to cost money. Gas prices are not going to go down. People can complain all they want, but the earth’s supply of fossil fuels is running out. Whenever the majority of people realize this, legislation will get passed.

Just as we can see the slow increase in global temperatures, we are slowly starting to see more and more people realizing that climate change is real. The new President will have a pressing matter on his hands, and we should expect him to act.

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