Debate and Discussion of U.S. Government for Gov. 2305

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's Over. Now it Begins.

Editorial from The New York Times:

Hillary Clinton has officially called it quits in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nominee. After many months of campaigning, she finally faced admitted the defeat and decided it was time to drop out. Now the question is whether or not she will rally behind Mr. Obama to try to at least put a Democrat in office. If Obama chooses Hillary as his running mate, this would combine their supporters to put up a substantial fight against Senator John McCain. Now that we have two clear cut competitors for the Democrats and Republicans, it is time to end the petty differences between party candidates, begin the debates, and face the real issues that matter to the people. One of the major issues that is sure to be a deciding factor for many Americans is the Iraq war. McCain has been taking the same stance that President Bush has on the war, and has insisted that we stay regardless of our success level. The article obviously favors the Democrats, and does no favors for President Bush or McCain. It raises some very good points about the necessity for action now that the pettiness of the race for nominee is over. In the next few weeks, we are sure to hear a lot about the Democrats. Mr. Obama would be doing himself a huge favor if he does choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate, and he could sure use the extra votes if he is to outdo McCain. The American public will definitely hear about the issues in the near future, and that is exactly what this country needs.

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